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Latest update on Pearson PTE platform
PTE Pattern

Latest update on Pearson PTE platform

In a major platform update, Pearson PTE has launched some new features which all the users were waiting for so long. Some of the major latest updates in the Pearson PTE platform is the user interface and combination of the PTE practice platform.

Here we will list down some major updates which are released today at Pearson PTE website and user account.

For the first major update, Pearson has completely changed the design of their platform, which made it easy for the user to navigate through the account and check the result as well as the upcoming dates. Additionally, they have also added new features for the recording of your sample voice along with your every attempt in order to check your voice sample.
Latest update on Pearson PTE

Image courtesy: pearson

Secondly, the major change is in the graphics of the result. They have made some major revamp in the design and added some more color to make it more colorful. Please note there will be no change in any of the core functionality which was available in the older account. In this new result design, they have modernized the look and feel for the result, there will be no change in any of the communicative or enabling skill criteria. Most importantly, Pearson Vue has now worked on the speed of the platform.Latest update on Pearson PTE

Coming to the next update, they have now combined your both pearsonpte.com account and ptepractice.com account into one. Form now onwards you can track your PTE practice test performance from one platform itself. This action could result in a more simplistic approach to manage your PTE preparation.

Lastly, the update which all aspirant was waiting for was to check the availability of dates without login into their account, which is finally has been rolled out. Now no student needs to login to their account in order to check the date and center availability, instead, they can just visit pearsonpte.com and just select country, date, time, and center to check the date availability.

Overall, this is a major update from the Pearson Vue, in terms of making the portal more friendly and combining two platforms into one. Please note, there will be no change in any exam pattern or any question structure, this is just an update regarding the portal. So, stay away from the rumors on change in the exam pattern or marking rules.
