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  • tips-to-improve-PTE-speaking-read-aloud-scores
    PTE 79+ Techniques,  PTE Speaking Tricks

    PTE Read Aloud Tips To Improve Speaking Section Score

    PTE read aloud question type comes first in the exam for the speaking section. Looking at the question prompt type, all students feel easy at first. But, when it comes to the exam day it brings down your confidence when unfamiliar words are put to pronounce. In this guide we will provide you PTE Read Aloud tips and tricks. First, let’s see what PTE read aloud question type demands on the exam day: You will get 30-40 seconds to prepare before the recording starts. Once the beep sound is played, you can start reading the passage loud and clear. Remember don’t start speaking before the beep sound is played, as…

  • PTE 79+ Techniques,  PTE Reading Tips

    PTE Reading Fill in the Blanks Tips

    In PTE reading fill-in-the-blanks task, the question type is drag and drop. You need to choose the correct word and fill into the blanks. In the PTE mock Test or in actual reading exam, you will get up to 4 to 5 paragraphs of fill in the blanks question. The PTE reading fill in the blank’s paragraph length can be of 80 to 90 words having 5 to 6 blanks in it. How Do you Score 90 in PTE Reading Fill in the Blank? For every correct answer, you will get 1 credit, and for incorrect answer 0. There is no negative scoring for this question type so choose even…

  • PTE 79+ Techniques

    How to Score 79+ in PTE Exam in 2024? Tested Method by 79Score.com

    Scoring in PTE seems to be easy these days, as there are ample materials and platforms available for preparation. However, scoring 79+ in the PTE exam is always a tough nut to crack. No matter how much you prepare with PTE mock test or prepare yourself with material available, but if you are not aware of the minute details, then it is really going to be a tough job. In order to target the 79+ score in the PTE exam, one should look into the 79score.com tested method in the PTE exam in one week. There are numerously tested and tried methods, tips, and tricks available online for achieving the desired…

  • what-to-remember-while-writing-an-essay-in-your-PTE-A-exam
    PTE 79+ Techniques,  PTE Tips,  PTE Writing Tips

    What to Remember while Writing an Essay in your PTE-A Exam?

    Ask any PTE Academic aspirant about the most intimidating part of the test and they will tell you it’s writing the essay. The fact that it is a subjective part and needs clear and coherent opinion makes it further complicated. As rightly said by many, writing an essay is an art and needs a strategy. While there is no perfect way of writing a perfect essay, there are a few things one can keep in mind that can help to meet the PTE Academic format. We will give you some of the tried and tested tips here that can surely improve your essay score. Tips to improve essay writing skills…

  • How-to-perform-well-in-PTE-written-discourse
    PTE 79+ Techniques,  PTE Pattern,  PTE Writing Tips

    How to Perform Well in PTE Written Discourse?

    PTE is not a cakewalk. It gives many sleepless nights to the aspirants. Well, all thanks goes to its detailed structure. It is so meticulously designed that native speakers also have to face a tough time to crack it. Out of all the sections, PTE written discourse is the one that gives jitters to the aspirant. It tests your comprehensions and writing abilities at every vertical, being an expert of these two qualities is itself a tough job. Performing well in the exam’s tense situation doubles-up the stress. Anyways, we are here to help out in this. Before we move any further, let’s be more familiar with PTE written discourse.…

  • pte-write-from-dictation-tips
    PTE 79+ Techniques,  PTE listening Tips,  PTE Listening Tricks

    PTE Write from Dictation Tips

    PTE Write from Dictation is a section in the PTE listening exam where a candidate needs to listen to a particular dictation and then write the whole phrase/sentence. In general, this section has 3-4 questions. There is a time gap of 7 seconds before each audio. As you will hear the sentence only once, concentration is the skill that this section demands the most. To score big in this section, one has to write exactly the same as that of the dictated sentence. Does it sound tough for you? Then we are here to help you out. Buy some time to gauge over our experts’ tips for PTE Write from…